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Minggu, 21 Februari 2010

How To Play Giant Chess

Giant Chess is a unique game of strategy and skill for more than two players per group of white or black., and is a great game to play with group of friends and family. We're going to teach you the basic rules of Giant chess and set you on the path to becoming a winner
1.Step 1: The chess board
Chess is played on a square board which is divided into 64 squares of alternating colours. By convention these are referred to as light and dark. Squares size for Giant chess are vary depend to the bottom base size. for example:
for base size 20 - 30 cm, we recommend to use 60 cm square for best moving space. this good for group of kids or teen.
for base size 40 - 50 cm, 100 cm square are the best choice and this we recommend to an adult group
2.Step 2: Chess pieces
A chess set consists of two identical groups of pieces. One is white and one black. One player plays with the white pieces, the other with the black. Each player has: one king, one queen, two bishops, two knights, two rooks, and eight pawns. White always makes the first move in any game. to determine which group has the right to play in white, the referee will raffle the best way
3.Step 3: Object of the game
The object of chess is to capture your opponent's king. In practice, the king is never actually captured, but trapped so that he cannot move without being taken. This is known as checkmate, and is the end of the game.The task of chairman is to control her team members to move efficiently to save the King


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